How to Get Rid of Weevils in My Bedroom

How to Get Rid of Weevils in My Bedroom

Weevils can be a common reason for annoyance whether it is bedroom or kitchen. Though these are live-in pantries you can explore them anywhere. If you want to find a way out how to get rid of weevils in my bedroom keep reading the very end. Because of it laying hundreds of eggs at a time can easily make your home disgusting and embarrassing for guests.

Here in this writing, we will provide several questions and answers which can be dependable. Hopefully, you will get a better solution among these. Step by step identifies the source of chemical and natural ways to get rid of weevils from your bedroom rather than the entire home.

To feel your bedroom safe and vulnerable you will need to dispose of small and unwelcomed creatures we researched a lot as your attempt will prove fruitful.

What is Weevils?

More or less all we have well-known this small beetles with slender or oval-shaped. Usually, these can grow 3 mm to 10 mm with dark-colored or brownish to black. There are close to 100000 types of weevils which are life in almost any part of your house kitchen from the pantry to the room. These could be more nuisance in every place in bed. Though these are harmless and won’t bite but can ruin food supplies and peace of home.

Weevil infestation

You will find them gathered in a mass till these are small and won’t invisible to be a problem because their larvae are tiny and are hard to see. With the brown head, the larvae look like tiny white grubs. Usually, these Weevil comes indoors for shelter through the crack of the window and under the door. Weevil infestation makes the food of the pantry inedible. After that adult Weevil crawls on the floor and wall to disturb the homeowner.

Types of weevils in my bedroom available in bedroom

Types of weevils in my bedroom available in bedroom

Without any medium weevils won’t enter your bedroom as we have already said. Depending on the medium you can find several common types in your bedrooms such as rice, seed, bean, and wheat weevils. In these things they invade and are easily transferred into bedrooms or other places. As their name suggests This comes with different types of foods like raw seed, rice, bean, wheat, and others. Be careful about bringing food to your home which can invite an unwanted little nuisance through the storage box.

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Check the reason that Weevils spread your space 

As we mentioned earlier weevils live in personal spaces with food like grain, beans, seed, maize, and others to invade. From the kitchen to the bedroom they crawl on their night trip and the entire bedroom to disturb you and strike in front of guests. It is really hard to infest in the bedroom. In this case, you should clean the bedroom perfectly while potential food sources need to remove.

Process of how to get rid of weevils in my bedroom

There are secret interrelated steps that help to clear out not only the bedroom but also the entire place. Follow the steps for the best result.

Deep clean your bed

Deep clean your bed

As a comfortable and favorite space, you will love to eat snakes or pastries and leftover foods can attract weevils easily from the kitchen or outdoors. Deep cleaning is essential to eliminate the sources of weevils in your bedroom which not only gets rid of rather others bugs. You should be careful of the bed in each corner which is a great place for striking leftovers. For a positive result, you won’t be hurried while this could take more time. Yet deep, not essential for routine wise rather once in 15 days.

If you do have not enough time you can call a deep cleaning service which can be expensive but dependable for worst situations.

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Clean the kitchen and storage out

Certainly, the kitchen is the main place where most of the weevils live in an infested area from where they spread everywhere in your home even the bedroom. We have already said that only  throughout the deep cleaning you can not prevent them. If you are able to clean all the storage places such as kitchen cabinets or pantries. To clean the pantry and cabinet we suggest making a mixture of eucalyptus oil and vinegar which can efficiently to get rid of weevils.

Take help of a vacuum cleaner 

Next, you should bring a vacuum cleaner which can provide satisfactory cleaning performance. Furthermore, this could be reliable for narrow spaces which can be very powerful to ruin weevils infestation whether these are very hard to find in the usual look. Because of their size, you can use this for any small drawers, upholstery, and certain even under any furniture. For perfect cleaning of the kitchen, we suggest having one for overall cleaning. 

Perfectly sealed the pantry

Completely covered up of every food pantry can get rid of weevils from your home. If you keep all seeds perfectly clean and store them. After several times cleaning and sealing all boxes and food packages in the pantry. Airtight boxes are a dependable option to get rid of weevils. Besides this freezing, dry food items can prevent weevils from infesting in any way. Plus you should not store any seeds for a long time more than weeks and months. Even you kept the dry food and groceries long time with airtight boxes which need frequent inspection.

Use natural pesticides

Even after whatever we suggest above you tried but weevils ready to go from your home. In this situation, natural pesticides can be effective to kill those little bugs which are also, harmless to humans, pets, and children. These are very easy to use as use a little amount of powder and sprinkle the place where life. Don’t forget to clean the dead bugs with a vacuum cleaner after a few days that are lying around your bedside or pantry. Even before this we also shared a 50/50 solution of eucalyptus oil and vinegar which is non-toxic and powerful. Bay leaves crushing could be a great way to weevil deterrents from the herb.

Apply chemical pesticides

If you are completely fed up with all attempts some chemical pesticides won’t disappoint you. Before using this you should read the instruction clearly for their measurements and cautions. You should consider its harmful effect indoors or some of them need periodical or re-apply use to ensure a better result. These types of chemical pesticides can kill weevils quickly rather than need to clean them faster and properly.

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We also suggest sprinkling food grade DE which can kill weevils and is safe for children and pets. After spreading this you should wait two days for a surprising result in the pantry and cabinet or bedside corner.

Use Weevil traps

Pheromone and sticky traps are dependable to get rid of weevils from your home. With this, you can run out of them without any chemical or natural pesticides. You can choose traps depending on your convenience.

Take pest control expert

Take pest control expert

Who has not enough time to do all these experiments or the number of weevils larger can call a professional who is an expert to get rid of various pests including from your home or property? Some of them have reliable equipment, skill, knowledge, and needed experience which can get out from your permanently. As this takes good cost you should call for a lot of lands, a large amount of grain storage place, or farming purpose.


We have already shared several tips and techniques as solutions for how to get rid of them in my bedroom. Though these small pests won’t bite you or not make harm humans or pets while they could be disgusting at your place. Whenever you find the source of weevils you should take steps against this.

If you follow our suggested steps hope you will be able to get rid of it successfully. To help you in this way we include details with experience suggestions. Among the listed solutions you can control weevils. 

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